The Indian Chieftan
Mauvila Oct. 18, 1540
"He was the suzerain of many territories and of a numerous people, being equally feared by his vassals and the neighboring nations."
Dedicated to Victims of Crime and Leniency of Tuscaloosa County.
I thank my God upon every rememberance of you.
In Memory Of those who paid the supreme sacrifice in World War II and Korean Conflict and Viet Nam.
Erected by the Gold Star Mothers 1960
The Rotary Clubs have established a clock and three plaques honoring donors, community service, and the Rotary Four-Way Test.
The Supreme Sacrifice, Fraternal Order of Police Medal of Honor
Dedicated to all Law Enforcement Officers slain in the line of duty in Tuscaloosa County
No man hath greater love than this: That he gives his life to save a friend but sometimes law enforcement officers do even more. Somtimes they give their lives to save a stranger.
Erected May 18, 1988 by King-Hubbard Lodge #10 - Fraternal Order of Police